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Frequently Asked Questions

When do menstrual changes require a doctor's review?

When a change occurs from the usual situation for three consecutive months

When is it possible to see the pregnancy gestational sacwith the sonar?

When the value of the pregnancy hormone is 1500 or more, the pregnancy sac can be seen with the vaginal sonar, not the abdominal

When can the fetal heartbeat be seen?

In the fifth week of gestation

When can the gender of the fetus be known by a sonar?

In the thirteenth week of gestation, and sometimes it is possible according to the condition of the fetus

When do we perform a fetus safety check?

This examination is routine and important and we do it twice Between 12 and 14 weeks of pregnancy And between week 18 and 22 of pregnancy

Is the examination of the safety of the fetus 100% accurate ?

Certainly not, it is accurate in detecting many distortions, but some strikes remain unable to be diagnosed, and there are other methods

How to calculate the gestational age

Depending on the Nigel base (it has a program found on the page), each woman has a regular course In the event of the irregularity of the period, we rely on fetal measurements, and the sooner it is more accurate

Delivery by natural or caesarean section?

The basic principle is always a natural birth, but for each case it has its progress and evaluation, and the decision is a joint and optional option, if medical matters allow it.

Does the weight of the fetus play a role in determining the pattern of birth?

Yes, especially if the weight of the fetus is approximately 4 kg Caesarean section is preferred especially if it is the first birth

Can I give birth naturally after a caesarean section?

Yes, there are conditions if they are available, this is possible after consulting a doctor

Is the IVF program always the best solution for late pregnancy?

Absolutely not the best solution as the best pregnancy is the best after assessing the situation and the reasons

What is the pregnancy rate in the IVF program?

The percentage is approximately 35% ؜, and this depends on many factors, the most important of which are the previous reasons and experiences

IVF is useful?

There is a global tendency to stop this procedure except in a limited and specific case, as the

pregnancy rate does not exceed 12% ؜… is it mandatory to prevent premature birth
Do not pass a law at all, but the evaluation of the factors that influence early childbirth is more important and is the key to taking a decision

Are vitamins necessary during pregnancy?

Contrary to the common, it is not a rule to follow pregnancy, and the matter must be evaluated in order to express an opinion on its obligation

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